Royal marked playing cards is 100% PVC plastic poker cards which is made in Taiwan. Royal playing cards is one of the most famous brand of plastic poker cards in the market nowadays.
There are Royal jumbo index marked cards and Royal small index playing cards in our company. We made the Royal juiced marked cards as a kind of luminous marked cards with luminous invisible ink and poker printer. We can offer you two kind of Royal marked cards. One is Royal back marked playing cards and another is Royal barcode marked cards poker for invisible ink poker readers. .
As for Royal back marked poker cards for luminous ink contact lenses are commonly used in different private clubs game. Royal xray playing cards can be marked with big marks in the middle or small marking on four corners. These kind of juiced deck is special for the uv invisible ink contact lenses and luminous sunglasses reading. As long as you play texas holdem poker game with the ink marked cards, you can know the number suit of poker cards. Without the infrared sunglasses or IR contact lenses, you can not see any luminous infrared ink on back of poker decks.
For the Royal barcode marked cards, we printed the bar code polarizing ink on the four sides deck of cards. These barcode on sides of cards just can be detected by our playing cards scanner, like ashtray poker scanner, blackjack shoe poker scanning camera, wallet spy camera and etc..
With the most awesome Royal luminous ink marked cards in the hand, you can keep from yourself being cheated by other professional poker players.